Is Hypnobirthing worth it?
Well in a nutshell, YES! The lead up to giving birth can feel like an endless to do list. Is the nursery ready? Do I have enough nappies? I wander what the baby should be wearing when it arrives home? What will they look like? Imagine all those things are on the list and very exciting things to do, an absolutely joy.
However, If told you the investment of a Hypnobirthing course meant you felt
Excited about your birth
Prepared mentally
Let’s break it down.
We would not compete a marathon without practising running first? A runner would go on short runs, gradually building up, making sure that their body was ready for the task ahead.
If they were a professional, they would be planning for all eventualities too. Working with specialists such as a sports psychologist. A marathon runner would not go into an event without the support of their family & friends, 100% behind them with all positive affirmations shouting like ‘you can do it!’, and they certainly would be thinking that it was all going to go wrong, and visualise themselves falling over?
This is not be asking you to practise giving birth by any means, but mentally preparing for it and practicing your breathing, all the tools to enable you to feel fearless is going to be priceless.
Some other advantages could be less fear, lower pain levels, deeper relaxation, making more rational decisions. You will start to feel connected to you body, less stress hormones and new studies suggest less likely to have post-natal depression.
So although we want to have the perfect nursery, the perfect name, the buggy and all the tiny adorable clothes. If you have the birth you wanted and were empowered by your decisions, some of those other investments might not seem as worthy when you are holding your baby after a really beautiful birth.